You can beat me. But do you really think you can beat him?

Cate: I know you guys don't trust me.
Marie: Yeah, and you're going to have to work really hard to get it back. Let's start with the woods. What were you doing down there?
Cate: I don't know. They were using Sam to augment Luke's powers, but they were doing other stuff to him, too.

Andre: Show's not the same without Luke's hot takes.
Cate: His commentary was hilarious. He hated that kid.
Andre: He really did.
Cate: Everything is different now.

Cate: Do you like baseball?
Rufus: Baseball? Yeah.
Cate: You're gonna take a little jog over to Dick's Sporting Goods, buy yourself a nice Louisville Slugger, bring it right back to the quad, and swing that bat as hard as you can into your nuts. Every hour, on the hour, and every time you swing, yell, "Jumanji!" Sound good?
Rufus: Sounds fucking great.

Cate: Holy fuck, that's Sam!
Andre: Yeah.
Cate: He's alive? Luke was telling the truth?
Andre: That first night, Sam was trying to escape. Marie and I stopped him.
Cate: You couldn't have known.
Andre: So what are we going to do?
Cate: For now, nothing. We lay low...
Andre: Fuck that! No, Luke's brother is being tortured in this, whatever it is. No, Sam needs to get out, and we need to get him out now.
Cate: How?
Andre: We use our fucking powers?
Cate: How did that work out for Luke? If you charge in there, you're going to get caught. And then God knows what. And then think about it for a second.

Gen V Quotes

When Golden Boy flames on, his clothes burn off. And he's uncut. Because I guess like he's impossible to cut. I'd put my tongue on that.


Brink: See, that is what most superheroes, even the big ones, they just don't get. That being a hero -- a real hero -- it's not about glory. It's about sacrifice. You understand that?
Marie: I think so, Sir.
Brink: Good. Good. Because, and I can't tell you how sorry I am to tell you this, but you're being expelled.
Marie: What?
Brink: See, Golden Boy, Andre, Jordan, they're going all the way. They could save thousands of people. But not if TMZ finds out that they almost let a woman bleed to death because they were high. Somebody's got to take that hit.