Tess: So we are gathered here to witness the coming together between two people whose hearts and spirits are absolutely intwined as one.
Vincent: I love you for everything that you are and everything that you make me when I'm with you. You are my partner in life and my one true love.
Cat: You are my partner in life and you are my one true love. And I will cherish this marriage always and I will love you more and more everyday.
Tess: Do you, Vincent Keller, take Catherine Chandler to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love, honor, cherish and protect?
Vincent: I do.
Tess: Do you, Catherine Chandler, take Vincent Keller to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love, honor, cherish and protect?
Cat: I do.

Vincent: What if we tell Russo what Liam's thinking we'd never tell him?
Cat: That you're a beast?
Vincent: Yes, Yes, OK, Why not?
Cat: Why not? Are you kidding me? What do you think they're gonna do, forgive you, us, pretend like none of those cases ever happened? No, they're gonna crucify you.
Vincent: They're gonna do that anyway. You know, whether we like it or not, at least this way we're in control, not Liam.

Vincent: We're nothing alike. You're a cold blooded killer.
Liam: And you're not? Tell me, Vincent, how many people have you killed?
Cat: It's not the same thing. Vincent doesn't kill innocent people. He doesn't blow hospitals up.
Liam: A kill is a kill, just like a beast a beast. Let's face it, the only thing keeping him from being more like me is you. It's a thin line brother.

Cat: What are you doing here? Why would you want to steal Julianna's body?
Vincent: I didn't try to steal Julianna's body. I was just trying to track Liam off of it. Anyway, look, it's a good thing I came.
Cat: No it is not a good thing. This is a police case, I told you, one that I am handling.

[talking to a shocked Vincent] Don't make me arrest you honey.

Vincent: We gotta stop this guy Liam first.
Cat: OK we are not stopping Liam.
Vincent: We got to. We got to at least try, Catherine.
Cat: You don't understand. I am done Vincent. I am not doing this anymore.
Vincent: What do you mean?
Cat: I don't even know what I was thinking. This is never ending and it just keeps getting worse. Liam could have easily killed us today. So why are we going after him when he's not even coming after us? Why should we have to keep risking our lives, our friends lives, Heather's? Who says this has to be our fight? It's not. It's over, I quit.

Cat: Do you realize what you just did?
Vincent: Yeah, I just stopped us from ruining what should have been the best day of our lives.
Cat: No, you maybe have just ruined our best chance to find out who's behind all this and for what, because you don't want to elope.
Vincent: Yes that is exactly why I did it.
Cat: Vincent we were never really going to do that.
Vincent: Yes we were. Maybe not technically, but we were about to recite vows Catherine.
Cat: So what if we did? What difference does it make? It's just a piece of paper.
Vincent: No, no it's not.

Why change to this outbreak approach? What are they trying to accomplish?

JT: What happened to this guy wasn't caused by that serum. [pointing to the side by side blood samples] That's the result of a blood borne parasite.
Cat: A parasite? Like a bug? So he caught this like a cold?
JT: Well, I don't know exactly how it got transmitted, but it did. And this parasite's fast acting too, which means he had to contracted it a day or two ago, at most.

Cat: I cannot justify going for tea with my mom's sisters when somebodies hunting Vincent.
Tess: They're not hunting Vincent, they're hunting beasts. They don't even know that he is one.

Cat: Where's Vincent?
Carol: Somewhere not even your love can save him.

Cat: Seriously, babysitting duty! This is just not about distracting me from Vincent, is it?
Tess: Alright. OK, so we buried the lead. Come on Cat, ever since I took over this precinct, I'm under a ton of pressure to get the numbers up, and that means I need the next generation of detectives up to snuff.

Beauty and the Beast Quotes

Vargas:This is where he lives? A chemical plant?
Cat: He's a researcher, maybe he works from home?
Vargas: Or maybe it's a meth lab.
Cat: Just my type.

Everyone told me it was just a coyote or a bear. This thing I thought I had seen was just a result of my concussion or post traumatic stress. No, the men who killed my mother were beasts. I believed them. Until now.
