Cory: Thank you for, uh, stoppin’ by. I just wanted you to know how valuable you are.
Chris: I think I’m learning how much.

Mmm. Veal marsala! Amazing. I do feel bad for the baby cows spending their all-too-short lives cages up, never knowing the hellscape that awaits them. It tugs at the heartstrings really, but here, the veal marsala tests limit of my sympathy.

Cybil: So, what did Alex want?
Cory: Too much, as usual.

Paul: Alright. The, uh, Gs can be a little intense, but it’s only for the first couple of minutes.
Cory: Ah, this is nothin’. I used to fly Spirit Airlines.

Paul: What, what is this Alex Levy magic? Can you explain this to me?
Cory: She’s a survivor. That’s it. That’s what people want to see right now. I mean, she got the broken marriage, she got the predation of the creepy co-anchor, and then she suffers through a biblical plague on live TV to become the one human that people can actually relate to in this shit show of a so-called democracy. I did not discover Alex, but I did bring her back from the dead. So, to your question, Alex Levy is Lazarus, and that makes me Jesus, except I’m in more houses seven days a week.
Paul: Well, I hate to break it to ya, Jesus, but here’s your problem. You’re over-leveraged—no more loaves and fishes for you. You need a miracle, and buddy, I’m it.

Cory: Well, I will be fully embracing UBA’s new era of radical transparency — everything that ever was and will be — out in the open. I think it’s gonna be fun. Privacy, come on. That’s so 20th Century.
Cybil: You just don’t ever stop spitting, do you? You are CEO because you staged a coup. That’s not leadership; that’s opportunism. You walk through these halls with this unswerving belief that you and you alone can fix it. I’ve seen quite a few men come to this company with that same God complex. Eventually, you all fail.

You know, every time that you start to speak, things feel like they’re getting worse. It’s a special gift.

Alex: OK, well, here’s what I want. Double my development slate, profit participation, and a seat on the board.
Cory: Alllexxxx.
Alex: You now that it’s time. I have earned this, Cory. Come on.
Cory: Yeah, what you are asking is, uh, unprecedented.
Alex: I am unprecedented.

The Morning Show Quotes

Alex: OK, well, here’s what I want. Double my development slate, profit participation, and a seat on the board.
Cory: Alllexxxx.
Alex: You now that it’s time. I have earned this, Cory. Come on.
Cory: Yeah, what you are asking is, uh, unprecedented.
Alex: I am unprecedented.

Paul: What, what is this Alex Levy magic? Can you explain this to me?
Cory: She’s a survivor. That’s it. That’s what people want to see right now. I mean, she got the broken marriage, she got the predation of the creepy co-anchor, and then she suffers through a biblical plague on live TV to become the one human that people can actually relate to in this shit show of a so-called democracy. I did not discover Alex, but I did bring her back from the dead. So, to your question, Alex Levy is Lazarus, and that makes me Jesus, except I’m in more houses seven days a week.
Paul: Well, I hate to break it to ya, Jesus, but here’s your problem. You’re over-leveraged—no more loaves and fishes for you. You need a miracle, and buddy, I’m it.