Jay: I don't need a psychiatrist.
Charles: Okay.
Jay: You're only gonna tell me what I already know. That I have depression.

Nathan: What if the problem was me? Bad husband, neglecting her... what if I"m ther season she jumped?
Charles: Nathan, no. The reasons people take their own lives are mysterious and complex and it's rarely any one thing or one person.

Ripley: Smart move, pulling in someone not bound my HIPAA.
Charles: I figured the last thing you needed was another lawsuit.

Liliana: He can't drive and I am not going to let him walk to the store. He is my brother.
Daniel: Sweetie. Do you think he really can't drive?
Liliana: I am sure Dr. Ripley did not mean to hurt Pavel but mistakes happen.
Daniel: There was no mistake. You were there!
Liliana: If we must have this conversation at all, we will have to continue it at home.

Archer: It's eating you up, isn't it?
Charles: That a young father may be walking out of here with a degenerative disease? Yeah.
Archer: You could be wrong.
Charles: Maybe.
Archer: Sometimes maybe is the best we can do. We have to live in the mystery.

Ripley: I'm not in the mood for a lecture. You don't know Sully. There's only one way to deal with him.
Charles: By tackling him to the ground?

Ripley: He's being irrational. He probably has lung cancer, but he's refusing further testing.
Charles: I'm sorry to hear that.
Ripley: If I let him walk out of here AMA, I'm basically handing him a death sentence.
Charles: Unfortunately, refusing further testing isn't really grounds for questioning someone's decisional capacity.
Ripley: He's got a terminal illness and won't get treatment. Sounds like he's got a problem with his decisional capacity to me.
Charles: Okay, so this is where I have to ask you, would you be pushing for this if he was just a regular patient?

Ripley: I keep thinking about what kind of life Jimmy might have had if only...
Charles: If only they hadn't given up on him?

Bert: This was a setup from the beginning. You brought me in here for this.
Sharon: I apologize, Bert, but Tara has been so worried.
Bert: Don't put this on Tara. This was you, and you're in on it too. You want to put me away so you can get your hands on my pension. Couple of crooks.
Charles: Bert. How long have we been friends? 40 years?
Bert: 40 years, but not anymore. And what was that law power I gave you?
Sharon: Power of attorney.
Bert: Yeah, that. I don't want you to have that anymore.

Charles: Jimmy had a lobotomy? But those haven't been done in 60 years. He must have been a kid.
Ripley: He was probably a behavior problem. So Dr. Sorensen put a skewer in his brain.

Charles: If I put money down on the Bulls, that's 6-1 odds. So say I put $20 down, at 6 to 1 odds, that's...
Bert: 110
Charles: I think it's 120, isn't it?
Bert: Right.
Charles: Hey, it's been a while. How about we have lunch at Al's on Friday?

Sharon: Have you seen Bert lately?
Charles: No. Actually, now that you mention it, I called him a few weeks ago but he was in a hurry and said he'd call me back but he never did.
Sharon: Are you at all worried about his memory?
Charles: Because of that? We all do that. I mean, I've been guilty of it myself.