Baez: She said no, huh?
Danny: Of course she said no, it's her favorite word.

Jackie: Do you Reagans ever take a day off?
Danny: Not if we can help it.

Hey Dad. The Batmobile just showed up.

Danny: What did you tell her, Mom? That all of us cops are stupid and you're such a genius?
Erin: Yeah, basically.

Danny: The good son, huh?
Kevin: There's one in every Irish family.
Danny: True.

If you guys aren't going prosecute these people we might as well shoot them in the street.

Never date a girl with a gun.

Danny: If the guy wants any kind of privacy he's got to move around like a wanted man.
Erin: Well he is wanted. I want him. Linda wants him. Everybody I I know.

Apparently she was still just a bank teller and not a bank robber.

First murder of the week and in broad daylight. I love this city.

Danny: You've got nothing to feel guilty about.
Frank: What makes you think I feel guilty?
Danny: Because you've got a hero from Ziggy's in that bag with my name on it.

Danny: You got your piece on you?
Erin: Yeah I always bring a gun to family dinner.