Linda: What do I do if that weird noise comes back?
Danny: Just turn up the radio.

What happened? No honor among skeeves?

Lansing: I'm Detective Lansing. I just moved over from Internal Affairs.
Danny: Congratulations on getting sprung.

I don't know any saviors that carry glocks and shoot kids in cold blood.

And here I thought all Narcotics detectives were a bunch of cocky dirtbags.

Kate: Is there any aspect of public service you Reagans are not involved in?
Danny: Politics. Too many crooks in that.

Despite what the sign says out front if you're here for an emergency you're in the wrong place.

You wish you could turn into Supergirl and just put the entire family inside your little force field and keep them safe.

Kate: Since when do detectives catch car accidents?
Danny: When they don't think they're accidents.

I don't have much faith in the testimony of someone driving 50 miles an hour, running late for work.

It's like you're a cover girl for Ulcers Illustrated.

What are we going to do? Are we going to canvas Heaven?