Just a lost little girl who didn't matter and didn't think she ever would.

The fact that you have now threatened me twice in the past twelve hours makes me want to stay more.

By the way, have you been taking kick boxing and not telling me about it?

Your bad judgement is your problem, not mine.

In a normal town the Sheriff goes in and asks a few questions. She doesn't bring her parents in with her.

What is strong enough to drown out your own conscience?

Just because you believe something is true does not make it real.

You were in a netherworld. Maybe something got lost in translation.

Emma: How long do you think magic knockout powder lasts.
Hook: I don't have a clue.
Emma: That's my rush.

Emma: That sounds a lot like the monster that attacked me in New York.
Hook: You mean the monster you were going to marry.

August: You're our only hope.
Emma: Then you're all screwed

I didn't think it was possible. A hero, a villain, pirates. That we could all be untied but we were because of the most important piece of the puzzle. A leader.


Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.
