I am not talking to children. I am talking to men, or at least I hope so. You two are New York City cops. We break up street fights. We don't start them.

They're related by blood and also by an awful burden and that is what really chafes for those two.

Frank: I want both of them in my office together.
Abigail: Forthwith.
Frank: No. End of tours. I don't want to compound this stupidity by pulling cops off the street/

Frank: Why didn't Abigail tell me?
Garrett: Come on. This is Abigail's marriage and you're you.

Abigail: It was hard for Brian to ask. It's hard for me to ask you.
Frank: But you didn't ask.
Abigail: I couldn't.
Frank: My door's right there.
Abigail: And we both know how hard it is to walk through it.

Frank: Did he use my name?
Sid: No.
Frank: Did you use your position in this office to get him the hook?
Sid: I'm a contract guy. A cop needs help, I help him, and it's Brian Baker and he's a good cop.
Frank: Did you even think about the optics?
Sid: I didn't think it was a big deal.
Frank: Then why didn't you come to me?
Sid: I didn't think you'd want to be involved.
Frank: Abigail should have come to me.

Frank: About this fight at the smoker...
Russo: He told you?
Frank: I'm the police commissioner. I know everything.

Erin: Roast has been delivered.
Frank: A grateful family thanks you and a stubborn father apologizes to you.

Sid: Why are we doing this?
Frank: It's the right thing to do.
Frank: Well, it's happening anyway.

Frank: I'm sorry for what you're going through.
Geri: All due respect, I can't cash a sorry. I need answers. I need my car.

Woman: Very pleased to meet you, sir.
Frank: And you wanted to see me because...?
Woman: The NYPD stole my car.

Terry: What's clear to me is your people won't move on this without you weighing in.
Frank: You're losing support and you want me to step in to make up the difference.
Terry: That has no relation to the truth.
Frank: In my experience, saying that means it is in a bear hug with the truth.