Voicemail: You've reached the office of Archibald Hopper. I'm either with a patient...
Henry: Or dead.

If the curse went to places with other stories, then who knows who's in this town.

It's delicious, cheesy, and doesn't lie.

I know all magic comes with a price. Saving magic must come with a price too.

Not every guy's like my dad. Not every guy's going to leave you.

I googled how to get over a breakup. It didn't talk about your boyfriend's wife traveling back from the past but close enough.

Mr. Gold: I am going to give you a potion that possesses the power to turn something old into something new.
Henry: What kind of potion's that?
Mr. Gold: Furniture polish. You can start in the back.

You always think that pulling away from people will fix your problems but it never does.

You can't just unsavior the savior.

Show me that the mom I know is in there somewhere.

Henry: The minute things got tough, you didn't come to anybody. You decided that you would figure it out on your own. We were a team.
Emma: Operation Cobra. I remember.
Henry: But now, you just want your dark magic back so you can do it alone.

Every time it looks like we can be happy, magic just comes in and wrecks it.

Once Upon a Time Quotes

It's time for a world up is down, where villains can have happy endings.

The Author

I've yet to see you fail and when you do succeed, well that's when the fun begins.
