Imogen: I need to ask you a question. Did you ever see any signs of Russian involvement in this plot?
Adilah: Yes. The man you saw in Paris, Emir. He would often speak to someone on a cell in Russian.
Imogen: Anything else?
Adilah: The truck that got me out of Raqqa was a Russian military truck. Why?
Imogen: I've come to believe that the Russians are behind this attack. You and it are just their cover. They are using you as a pawn in their sick game of retaliation against the US.

Michael: I'm still, still in love with you. You know that? Our girl would have been 10. Can you remember her face?
Imogen: Yes. Every day.

I want you to tell me the truth about my father. All my life, I never understood something because why would they kill a British diplomat, unless they knew that he had done something worth killing him for? They were trying to get rid of him or perhaps cover something up. Turns out, I was right. He was a traitor, Michael. He worked for the Russians. He was a double agent, and he betrayed his country and everyone he knew. Which means that, throughout my whole childhood, the man I loved was a lie. But I think you knew.

I loved her, and I miss my daughter every day.

Imogen: Is Emir Yasmina's father?
Adilah: No. I don't know who Yasmina's father is. After the bomb in the hotel, I ran away. They found me, and when they bring you back, they do things to you. It could have been any of them.

Hell is empty and all the devils are here.

Do you think you're the only woman in the entire world who has ever loved a child and can't be with them? Do you think you're the only person in life to have experienced this? I have an idea. Why don't you try not becoming a terrorist and see if that improves your parenting skills?

Malik: That woman is a monster. A murderer. She is not your friend.
Imogen: You see, it's not my job to think of her as a monster, or a saint. It's my job to get her to tell me what she knows. It's my job to save these people's lives. And I failed at that too.

Tell your people she's wearing black jeans and a green jacket. I know because they are my clothes, and I know what's missing because I make it a point to be somewhat decent at my job.

I've played so many people in my life, I don't know where I belong anymore.

Adilah: I really hate these types of hotels where all the rich Americans go. Makes me sick. But you seem quite comfortable in this world.
Imogen: It's my job to be comfortable in different kinds of places.

Imogen: The intel on my father, where is it?
Max: Almost forgot. Marcus Seasbright. Interesting man, your daddy. It's not easy to be so bad they wanna kill you.

The Veil Quotes

Imogen: I speak French.
Adilah: Yes, but your accent is very bad.

Tomas: Everything will be completed once we get to Berlin and you have been invaluable.
Imogen: Thank you, Tomas. I don't think you'll feel the same in a moment when Interpol arrives, though.
Tomas: What are you talking about? Who are you?
Imogen: I'm the person who has recorded and memorized every move you've made and every word you've said for the last 37 days.