I never thought I was going to get rich being a cop. Even a Harvard graduate could figure that out.

Sit up straight. Here come the nice detectives.

Renzulli: But Valentine's Day. That's when I go all out, Kid.
Jamie: What's all out for you Sarge? Two for one Mondays at The Pig & Whistle?

Suicide? And I'm the sucker that he called in to do it for him.

I came this close to letting him take a nose dive. And a part of me's still wishing I hadn't reeled him in.

If I'm so smart why am I painting fences to pay off a Harvard Law degree?

He never called me. He must have heard I'm on a cop's salary these days.

Officer Sweetie Pie, are you ready to get back to work?

Frank: Does the end justify the means?
Jamie: The original slippery slope.

Jamie: I'm responsible for her husband's death.
Frank: You're also responsible for the lives he didn't take.

Vinny: Do you think they see us?
Jamie: Yeah, I think so. I think they're just too stoned to care.

So what? Noble's just road kill in this?