Wow, you give this family half an opportunity and the questions just don't stop.

People got agendas that got nothing to do with the truth.

Eddie: Other than your parents, who is the most influential person in your life and why?
Jamie: Joe, because he encouraged me to go for what I really want, instead of what other people wanted for me. I think he recognized that I spend a lot of time trying to make other people happy.
Eddie: Not in this partnership.

Erin: You know, it's not okay.
Jamie: What? What's not okay?
Erin: That we're constantly telling people that we can't help them when it's our job to help.

Frank: You need to start picking your battles.
Jamie: Which is what I'm doing here.

Eddie: Adrianna, my psychic, she told me that my soulmate has long hair, a beard, and a piercing in his left ear.
Jamie: So your soulmate's a pirate.

Pit Bulls. They're like ex-boxers in a bar. Everyone taunts them and then acts shocked when they punch back. I always think they get a raw deal, plus they're adorable.

Jamie: I hate jumpers.
Eddie: At least if he jumps it's in the East River.
Jamie: No splat.
Eddie: Yeah.

Morale's bad enough as it is without feeling like the P.C.'s looking at you sideways too.

Eddie: Who knows what to wear for a mid-week, Long Island destination wedding?
Jamie: I'm not sure ten stops out on the LIRR counts as a destination.

Jamie: I'm confused.
Eddie: Aren't we all?

Eddie: This place?
Jamie: What?
Eddie: Jamie, people are dancing here. You don't like dancing.