Jenn: What are you two whispering about?
Ian: You
Addison: [at the same time] Magic.
Jenn: [beat] Deception noted.

Jenn: I don’t understand any of this stuff. You tell him.
Addison: He does not want to see me.
Jenn: I think between talking to his ex and burning at the stake, he’s gonna choose talking to his ex.

Ian: Dorothy? Can you hear us? We can’t hear you.
Jenn: Sounds like a bad Zoom.
Ian: Okay, all right. This dismissive attitude is exactly what started the witch trials in the first place. What was it that Ben said? That magic is just science that we don’t understand yet. I mean, have we learned nothing since 1692? Everyone just needs to stop judging people for doing things that they don’t understand.

Officer: Mister McCoy?
Ben: You can address me as Sergeant. I earned that distinction after serving in Normandy. Where did you serve?
Jenn: Dairy Queen. Apparently.

Jenn: Is anybody else’s brain melting with the possibilities here? I mean, if Ben discovers the secret to fusion in 1955, won’t that massively change the course of the twentieth century?
Addison: No more gas pumps. No more global warming.
Jenn: Magic picked a hell of a day to take off. This is the butterfly effect to end all butterfly effects. Our cars are going to be flying by the time this is over.

Ben: What are the odds of me crossing paths with the same person in two different leaps?
Jenn: I mean, I’m not Ian, so I don’t have a weirdly exact number for you, but I’d say the odds are crazy slim. Maybe the accelerator just decided you needed a friend.

Whatever’s triggering you, we don’t have to talk about it. We can just stay in here in silence if it helps.

Jenn: So our choices are we let the chip keep hemorrhaging code or we pull the chip and lose Ben forever?
Ian: Yeah, I am kind of hoping that we can come up with a better third option.

Ian: It might still be a military base studying a UFO and I am not saying that in a giddy science nerd way.
Jenn: You’re saying it in a they’ll-go-to-any-lengths-to-keep-Ben-quiet way.

Jenn: Here we go. Ian’s theories about E.T.
Ian: You do realize that it’s a statistical inevitability that other forms of life exist in this universe.
Magic: I’m a believer.
Jenn: But you’re so reasonable.
Magic: Being leapt into changes one’s perspective on life’s possibilities.

Jenn: Turn around.
Magic: Excuse me?
Jenn: If you don’t see me dark webbing through the bank security files, then you won’t have to go to jail if I get caught.
Magic: Fine. You’re lucky I’m no longer a government employee.

Jenn: Magic and Addison. You need to tell them what you did here. How you actually found Ben.
Ian: I told them that I left Ziggy running in the background. That is true.
Jenn: It’s true but it’s not the truth.
Ian: They don’t need to know the truth!
Jenn: You sure about that? This is a hard place to keep secrets, Ian.

Quantum Leap Quotes

Look, I’m not trying to tell you how to do your job. I’m just merely offering a counterpoint from someone who has impeccable taste in music.


Addison: Have you been hiding?
Ben: Hiding? No, I was just in a different section of the apartment.
Addison: You mean the bathroom where you were hiding from the party you didn’t want to have?
Ben: I love parties. Having everyone in here, touching all our stuff. I would’ve proposed way sooner if I knew we got to do this.