"The Singing Bird" -- I thought the title was a metaphor, but no it's actually about a bird that sings.

Eileen: What we need to do is to find a constructive solution.
Julia: Group suicide?

Julia: Was there anything that you liked?
Peter: I think Marilyn Monroe is interesting subject for a musical.

I'd stay good riddance, but we are still stuck with him.

Michael is not coming back! That's it. End of discussion! End of discussion.

Tell them, if he comes to Boston, I'm out. I'm out.

Julia: We're not a team. Because the show is more important than all of us.
Tom: Well....
Julia: It sounds so weird. We're not a team.

I'm sorry.

Tom and Julia [in unison]

You are not going to humiliate me in front of a bunch of 12 year olds.

Julia: I need to hear it.
Tom: If it's bad, it's over.
Julia: If I don't hear it, I'll never know.

Eileen: If that were a real Degas, what would you pay for it?
Julia: That? ... It is a real Degas.
Eileen: Yeah.

Julia: Why isn't anyone saying anything? Is it that bad?
Derek: No, it's that good. It is brilliant.

Smash Quotes

Sam: Ivy's doing the nasty with the Dark Lord, huh?
Dennis: That's what I said.
Karen: Who's the Dark Lord?
Sam: Sauron himself, Derek.

Eileen: If that were a real Degas, what would you pay for it?
Julia: That? ... It is a real Degas.
Eileen: Yeah.

Smash Music

  Song Artist
Song Never Give All the Heart Smash Cast
The National Pastime Smash Cast iTunes
Song Beautiful Smash Cast