Katsumoto: He was dead before you caught the case. There was nothing you could have done.
Juliet: Cold comfort, I'm afraid.

Higgins: I've like never failed anything in my whole life.
Magnum: C'mon. Never?
Higgins: No, never. I mean how did I fail and you pass? Sorry, that sounded awful.

Juliet: T.C., there is no right way to deal with what you went through.
T.C.: There might not be a right way but there's definitely a wrong way.

Higgins: Under the circumstances, maybe it's better to ask for forgiveness than permission.
Magnum: That's something I would say. I don't know whether I should be proud or freaked out.

Higgins: Don't try to catch it. Just get to where it's going and intercept it.
Magnum: Keep trying to micromanage. That's going to make me go faster.

Magnum: What took you so long?
Higgins: I was about to ask you the same thing.

Juliet: I think somebody has a crush.
Rick: What? I do not.
Juliet: I meant [Piper].

  • Permalink: I meant .
  • Added:

Like I said. Cakewalk.

Magnum [to Higgins]

Thug: You really thought you could get away with this?
Rick: Yeah, we kind of did.
Higgins: Yeah, it felt like a good plan.
Rick: You know why? Because we brought backup.

Magnum: We'll literally be putting ourselves between a hitman and his target.
Higgins: You're saying that like it's a bad thing.

Juliet: Well, it looks like we just met Xavier's replacement.
Thomas: But it seems he's one step ahead of us.

Juliet: I'm late.
Thomas: I understand that you're late. I want to understand why you're late.
Juliet: No, Thomas. I'm late.