Lucy: Sarge, I'm going to die on this list.
Grey: Sorry, Chen.

Tim: I'm going to take a shower.
Lucy: Right now?
Tim: Yeah.
Lucy: Maybe I could take a break.

You give us the ring, and we'll give you a head start.

Chen: Got a minute to talk?
Bradford: Uh, sure. There's nothing to talk about. You thought I undermined you at a crime scene to stop you from making detective. I explained that I didn't. Now we're moving on.
Chen: OK, while I appreciate the efficiency, that's not actually healthy communication.
Bradford: Wow, that's not condescending at all.

Lucy: I'm fine. He has the problem.
Tim: How do I prove I'm not the problem?

Lucy: Do you love me?
Tim: Yes. I love you.
Lucy: True, hm. Are you ready? Big one. Do you want me to be an undercover detective.
Tim: Yes. Lucy : You liar.
Tim: Huh. I guess we do have a problem.

Lucy: Did you undermine me today because you're scared that I'm going to make detective?
Tim: What? No!
Lucy: Tim.
Tim: No, and it upsets me that you even think that.
Lucy: I don't know, maybe it wasn't deliberate. Maybe it was subconscious.
Tim: So now you're accusing me of being unaware of my actions? That's not better.
Lucy: You have to admit that what happened to Isobel was deeply traumatic for you.
Tim: I never not admitted it. I admitted it the day we met. The only thing I did today was have your back. If you can't see that then... you know what? I'm tired. You got studying to do, so let's just take the night off. I'll see you tomorrow.

The Rookie Quotes

Tim: The Tim Tests, those don't make me like him.
Lucy: I know. You're nothing like him. Come here, you're nothing like him.

Becks handle things on their own.
