Marcel: I'm not sure I'm comfortable with what I did today.
Blake: Your patient had no chance of recovery, and thanks to organ donation now someone in Milwaukee has a chance of extending their life. What's the problem?
Marcel: I'm not sure whose interest I'm serving here.
Blake: Crockett, it's a sad fact that most organ donors don't come from living donors. For someone to live, someone else has to die.

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Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 6: " When You're A Hammer Everything's A Nail"
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Chicago Med Season 7 Episode 6 Quotes

Stevie: The IV is because you're dehydrated.
Stevie's Mom: So get me a glass of water.

Maggie: Did you get any sleep?
Vanessa: Didn't we just have this conversation a week ago?
Maggie: And I'm allowed to ask you if you're taking care of yourself.