Marissa: What do you need me to do?
Wackner: Well, my copyright certificates are catching on with the fanfiction crowd. I need you to process them.
Marissa: How much are you charging for these?
Wackner: I checked with the writer’s guild charge for script registration, $20.
Marissa: You’re kidding, and how many have you sold?
Wackner: Four-hundred and twelve.
Marissa: What?
Wackner: I know. It spread online.
Marissa: But these don’t mean anything. They’re just pieces of paper.
Wackner: What do you think U.S. copyright is? Mine is at least good for 71 years. That’s a year more than U.S.
Marissa: But a plagiarist can still steal a work.
Wackner: They can do that with the U.S. copyright. They just get sued in court like they would in my court.
Marissa: Oh my god.
Wackner: Marissa, I’m building something here. I want you to join me. I want your advice. I want your advice on cases. I want to bounce legal theories off you.
Marissa: What are your legal theories?
Wackner: I don’t know. That’s why I need to bounce them.

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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 3: "And the court had a clerk..."
The Good Fight
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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes, The Good Fight Quotes
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The Good Fight Season 5 Episode 3 Quotes

Benjamin: I don’t understand. Who are you?
Carmen: Carmen Moyo.
Benjamin: No, no, why are you important?
Carmen: I don’t think that I am.
Benjamin: Then why do I have my top client asking for you?
Carmen: Who’s that?
Benjamin: Mr. Wolf-Coleman.
David Lee: Your client is Wolf-Coleman? What does he need?
Benjamin: Last night the police searched his home for any evidence of rape. They believe they found something, and Mr. Wolf-Coleman wanted me to contact Carmen Moyo to represent him, so how did that happen?
Carmen: Is your client an acquaintance of Oscar Rivi?
Benjamin: The drug dealer, no.
Carmen: Is your client currently at Minard Correctional?
Benjamin: He was, yes. Why?
Carmen: I’m representing Mr. Rivi.

Marissa: Things should get better, right? Something other than paperwork.
Carmen: Law of averages.