Diane: You’re worried?
Kurt: My only regret from last year was not taking the threat against you more seriously.
Diane: That wouldn’t have made any difference.
Kurt: You could have stopped working with your political nuts.
Diane: This is different. This is… this isn’t about politics.
Kurt: I just don’t…
Diane: What?
Kurt: I don’t want to lose you.
Diane: I don’t want to be lost.

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The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 4: "The Gang is Satirized and Doesn't Like It"
The Good Fight
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The Good Fight Season 4 Episode 4 Quotes

Marissa: I’m bored. I want to be entertained.
Caleb: You want me to sing to you?
Marissa: No, tell me a joke.
Caleb: Man walks into a zoo. The only animal in the entire zoo is a dog. It’s a Shih Tzu. Want me to explain it to you?
Marissa: No, I get it. I’m just not laughing.

Firth: Wait, quiet. We’re all on the same time. Brian, are you blocking Diane’s internet access?
Brian: I am, but only defensively because she’s poaching my clients.
Diane: No, that is a lie. You blocked me when I asked about Memo 618.
Firth: What is that?
Diane: I don’t know, but I’ve had two pro bono cases disappear when the judge was given Memo 618.
Brian: That has nothing to do with me.
Diane: No?
Firth: OK, here’s what I suggest. Diane, you won’t dig into Brian’s clients. Brian, you won’t block Diane’s internet access. Understood?