Del: It’s not Jacob. Oh God. I shouldn’t have gotten my hopes up!
Alice: Were you hoping the police were right?
Del: I just want an answer to take away the memories. Oh, Alice. There have been so many calls. They torment me. There was one call; it was horrible, and I reacted terribly. I said, I said such horrible things to Kat. If I could go back, I would take back all those words.

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Del Landry, Alice Dhawan
The Way Home Season 2 Episode 6: "How to Save a Life"
The Way Home
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Del Landry Quotes, Alice Dhawan Quotes, The Way Home Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes, The Way Home Quotes
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The Way Home Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Thomas: Well, believe of me what you wish, but know this. When Goodwin is wrong, he metes out is own kind of justice. I’ve been up to the estate; I’ve sussed things out. I believe Jacob is alive and imprisoned somewhere inside Cyrus’s house. I don’t know exactly where, but I do know we won’t be able to get at him. He’ll be under lock and key.
Kat: You mean a key like this?

Kat: So apart from trying to save my brother in the 19th century, I also have to have a newspaper printed and published, which means that I have to find all the photographs and all of the article and put everything together by tonight, and I just can’t. I am, I am exhausted.
Elliot: I’ll get the edition out. Just tell me what needs to be done.
Alice: Yeah, I-I’ll help.
Elliot: Come on. Forget about the paper, Kat. We’ll handle it. This is your little brother. You need to do whatever you can to make sure he’s safe.