Gene: OK. So here's my advice. You never tell that story again as long as you live because basically, you killed somebody and you got away with it.
Barry: See, that's why I didn't want to tell you, 'cause you're gonna look at me differently. You're gonna look at me like I'm a murderer, like I'm a violent piece of shit.
Gene: Barry? Listen to me. I had a son. I was terrible to this son. I was cruel. I was selfish. And there's nothing I can do to change that. But I don't want to be that guy anymore, and I pray that human beings can change their nature, because if they can't then you and I are in deep trouble.
Barry: OK. How do we do that?
Gene: I think we're doing it already. You didn't beat that guy up, did you? You came here. You're talking about your feelings instead of acting out your feelings. And as for my son, the first time I reached out to him after years and years, I got a big "Fuck you, dad." But today, today he brought me strawberries.
Barry: Do you think I'm a bad person, Mr. Cousineau?
Gene: I think you're deeply human. You did a terrible thing. But do I think that defines you? No. That's why I don't think you should tell this story in front of the class. Also, they will shit themselves. I mean, they're children.

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Barry Season 2 Episode 4: "What?!"
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Barry Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Sam: You know, you're a fuckin' prick man.
Barry: Alright.
Sam: And don't forget -- I fucked her first. I got her when that shit was tight.

Gene: Your story is that your father was abducted and replaced by aliens.
Jermaine: That's what happened.
Gene: I'm having a little trouble with that.