Beatrice: I tried to warn you. He started paying extra attention to me right after my husband left me and my little boy destitute. He knew that I needed him, and when he cornered me, he knew that no one would believe me if I told. That's why he chose you.
Covey: Why don't you leave?
Beatrice: My son.

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Covey Lyncook
Black Cake Season 1 Episode 3: "Eleanor"
Black Cake
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Black Cake Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

You have the biggest heart; it's the thing I love most about you.


Bunny: He's not my type either.
Covey: Then who is?
Bunny: I don't know.
Covey: Yes, you do. Tell me. Tell me.
Bunny: You. Okay? I like you.
Covey: Yeah, well, I know that.
Bunny: Do you?
Covey: You can't say that. Bunny, you know rumors can get people killed. It's dangerous.
Bunny: It doesn't change; that is who I am.
Covey: I'm not asking you to change.
Bunny: No, you're asking me to hide.
Covey: For your own safety.