Rhonda: I know it's a bit weird talking to a stranger, but I"m not here to judge you on what happened. I'm only here to help.
Nell: I know. I've had therapy before.
Rhonda: Was it for a particular reason?
Nell: My mum died.
Rhonda: I'm sorry to hear that.
Nell: That's what everyone says.
Rhonda: Well, if you're open to it, maybe you could tell me a bit more about her.
Nell: She was the most amazing person in the world. Sometimes when I close my eyes, I can still see her.
Rhonda: What do you see? What's she doing in your memory?
Nell: She's sitting on the beach with my dad.
Rhonda: That's beautiful.
Nell: Kind of. It's the day she died.
Rhonda: Oh, Nell.
Nell: I was building sand castles. Dad said she wanted a nice time as a family. That's why we were there. I didn't realize it was the last time I'd ever see her, ever get the chance to talk to her. I just kept building sand castles, and by the time I stopped, she was gone.

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