I’m happy. I’m safe. You did the right thing. Someday, we’ll see each other again, I know we will. But you have to live your own life now, create your own stories. Promise me you’ll be happy.


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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1 Episode 8: "The Elysian Kingdom"
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds
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Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Pike: I could get used to this.
Spock: Sir?
Pike: This. No battles, no chaos, just scanning nebula and focusing on the science. Nice change of pace, wouldn’t you agree?
Spock: Captain, you have repeatedly told me that humans have a superstition against calling attention to good things by saying them out loud.
Spock: Why, Mr. Spock, never took you for the superstitious type.

Rukiya: I hate this part!
M’Benga: But you wanted me to read it to you.
Rukiya: I know. It’s just I always wished The Huntress would come along and help. Y’know, like get together with Sir Adya and rescue the king.
M’Benga: But that’s not what happens. King Ridley is forced to choose. Give up his greatest weapon…
Rukiya: The Mercury Stone.
M’Benga: … or rescue Princess Thalia.
Rukia: I know, but what if we could change the ending?
M’Benga: Someday, when you are grown-up, you will write your own stories, and you can have any ending you like.