Devon: Look, I get why you left, but I just feel like this is what you were meant to be doing.
Conrad: I miss it, man. I do. It wasn't my plan to leave, but Gigi is my everything. She's waiting for our dinner, I can make it, she comes first now.
Devon: I'm so sorry, for all of it. Just know that you and Nic are missed every day.

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The Resident Season 5 Episode 6: "Ask Your Doctor "
The Resident
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The Resident Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes, The Resident Quotes
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The Resident Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

Kit: Dr. Sutton.
Billie: How many times do I have to call you because these ICU doctors won't give my patients enough pain meds? Look, I know it's not your fault, Kit, but it's your hospital, and if my patients can't get relief...
Kit: It complicates their recovery.
Billie: How do you expect me to do my job when not everybody is doing theirs?

Gigi: Are you going to the hospital where mommy used to work?
Conrad: You remember, sweetie, I don't work at the hospital anymore. I have a private practice now because I want to spend more time with you and Mr. Giraffe.