It's different though. You went in for something you did. This is who I am, and it will never be behind me. Ralph Angel, there's no cure for my disease. The meetings, my sponsor, they help. It's too much for anyone to do alone.


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Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 1: "After the Winter"
Queen Sugar
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Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes, Queen Sugar Quotes
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Queen Sugar Season 2 Episode 1 Quotes

Remy: You two are still together as far as the world knows.
Charley: Not for long. Our lawyers are working on terms right now.
Remy: And once it's safe for you to be seen drinking with another man, then we can toast to that, but from now on...for now, I think it's best for both of us if we just keep things professional.

I guess I should be used to people thinking there's no me without Davis.
