Zazie: That's what you were doing in Professor Shral's office? Cleaning it.
Jett: Yeah.
Zazie: My god, that is so great! That's so great!
Jett: What's great about it?
Zazie: I thought you were a thief and a liar and a cheat.
Jett: K, maybe you missed what I said. I'm a JANITOR.
Zazie: So what? It's honest, hard work. I know what you're going through. SCREW these rich, privileged kids. You and I, we got to stick together. Come on, let's JET to class.
Jett: JET to class? Really?

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Pandora Season 2 Episode 2: "Don't Think Twice, It's All Right"
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Pandora Season 2 Episode 2 Quotes

Doctor: It appears to be some kind of anti-matter weapon, able to completely consume solid matter within minutes.
Fried: And what does my daughter, Tierney, possibly want with it?
Doctor: I couldn't say.
Fried: Well, who could have created such a thing?
Doctor: I couldn't say.
Fried: You know absolutely nothing. Why on earth do I even keep you in my employ?
Doctor: I... couldn't say?

Admiral: Welcome aboard, Captain. How are you feeling?
Xander: I'm just happy to have a pulse, Admiral.