Andy: Tell me something about her, something good.
Sandra: Really?
Andy: I’m sick of being angry.
Sandra: She was a dreamer just like you. She was passionate just like you. She was impulsive just like you, but she doesn’t have your grit, your courage, your commitment, your heart. That’s my sister, and I love her, and I can say that. You have her good stuff. Luckily, luckily, the rest comes from your Papi.

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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 2: "Wild World"
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Station 19 Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Vic: Where’s Herrera?
Travis: Bishop gave her the day off. She’s with her family.
Vic: Family, like her mom? I thought we hated mom. Do we not hate mom?
Travis: No, we hate mom. She’s with auntie and cousins. We like them.

Andy: Everything’s exactly like when we were kids.
Johnny: Why change a good thing, right?
Andy: I love it. Thank you so much, but really you didn’t have to go through all this trouble.
Michelle: She thinks we did this all for her.
Sandra: Honey, we do this every weekend, but now you’re going to have to join us.
Michelle: Now, they’re gonna make you even when you don’t want to.
Andy: Of course you all never stopped doing this. You just stopped inviting me.
Sandra: Elena, that was a strange situation.
Johnny: But we’re your family, and we love you, and that never changed.
Sandra: Andy, I know what that face means.
Andy: No, it’s fine. It’s whatever.
Sandra: No, it wasn’t fine, and it’s not whatever, but know we have you back.