Tyrone: Tandy, what do we do?
Andre: Nothing. There’s nothing you can do. Pretty soon there will be nothing that no one can do.
Tandy: What do you want?
Andre: An audience. One big enough that I can draw enough of their despair so I can hit a blue note.
Tyrone: What’s a blue note?
Andre: It’s what separates a man from a god.
[Tyrone turns to Tandy]
Tyrone: You didn’t tell me he was insane.

Mayhem: You think you know so much? You’re so worldly and wise? People like Lia … and Andre … like Connors. Yeah, they’ve had bad s*** happen to them, but that does not justify the bad s*** they do to others. Period.
Tandy: It is not that simple.
Mayhem: Yes, it is. Now move.
[Mayhem raises her gun to Tandy]
Tandy: No.
Mayhem: I’m not gonna say it again. Move!
Tandy: No!
[Tandy raises her dagger]

Lia: There were people on the river last night. They watched you jump.
Andre: When you lose what you love, the whole world seems empty.
Lia: You lost someone?
Andre: The love of my life: my music. It was my whole world, before I started getting these migraines!

Adina: Are you in trouble? You need to be laying low, Tyrone. People are looking…
Tyrone: Mom, stop, I’m fine! I can take care of myself.
Adina: I know that you can, Tyrone. I know that. It’s not you I worry about, it’s everyone else.

Tandy: Why did you come to that motel to try and save me?
Tyrone: Because I couldn’t imagine my life without you.
Tandy: I did. Andre ... he made me see you dying in front of me. And the one person in the whole world who understood me was gone and it was my fault.
Tyrone: He messed with my head too. He made me feel like you never cared about me, like it was all just an act.
Tandy: Maybe you’re right. Maybe it is better to ignore everything? All I know is I’d rather fight a hundred times with you than without you. So if you’re staying here, so am I.

Baron Samedi: Look!
[A bouquet appears in the glass shelf]
Tyrone: Hey, what is that?
Baron Samedi: A wedding bouquet. And you, my boy, are the bride’s price. A life for a life. A bouquet for the cloak.
Tyrone: But I ... I don’t understand.
Baron Samedi: Time for you two to scat and take your friends with you. The missus likes a clean house.
[He snaps his fingers and they teleport away]

Mayhem: Jesus, you chewed these things to shreds. Anxious about something?
Brigid: What color is that?
Mayhem: “Poison.”
[Brigid gives a confused expression]
Mayhem: Literally, that’s the name. I have a brand.

Tyrone: You’re really good at this.
Tandy: Damn right! You know, I was never much of a gamer, but I’m starting to think that I missed my calling.

Adina: I know you’re the best way to make sure that Tyrone never has to look over his shoulder ever again.
Connors: That’s all I want as well ... justice.
Adina: You have to understand the irony in that statement ... given that you murdered my first-born in cold blood.
Connors: Yes, ma’am.
Adina: He was one of your other wrongs?
Connors: He was.
Adina: I’m going hold onto these two thoughts in my head. I’m gonna reconcile them, I’m gonna cook, and we’re gonna talk. And we’ll see ... we’ll see if your value to Tyrone outweighs the need for me to end your life for what you did to Billy.

Tandy: My friends are going to find me.
Lia: What friends, Tandy? I’ve been watching you for weeks now. Sitting in that circle, brooding and boiling. All that untapped rage and energy looking for an outlet.
Tandy: Don’t act like you know me.
Lia: Don’t act like I don’t. This motel is filled with girls like you, and they all start off thinking there’s someone out there that’s gonna find them. Then they all remember the friend they told off ... the mother they screamed at. When you have nobody, nobody’s gonna save you.

Chantelle: I don’t recognize this vavey, but I know some of the pieces: the bridge, the stars, the water. They mean anything to you?
Andre: Very much so.
Chantelle: Exploring it has a lot of meaning here.
Andre: And if I should do that, it will open a lock? Open a door?
Chantelle: That would be my best guess. Throughout history, there have been a few who have ascended to become a Loa.
Andre: So, a Loa will feel no pain? My headaches will be gone?!
Chantelle: Among other things, but there is another path: leave it locked, walk away.

Tandy: Where’s Tyrone?
Andre: It’s possible that your heart is confused as well. That friend of yours ... he’s gone from your life, remember? I shot him dead.
Tandy: No. You’re just messing with me. Just like you did with Michayla, right? Because that’s what you do, right? You get in their minds and cause them cause.
Andre: I don’t cause anyone’s pain. I understand it, feel for it, commiserate it with mine. It’s the only way to tap down my migraines.
Tandy: So this is all so you can blow your horn?
Andre: This is so I can survive. The world saddled me with so much pain; the only way I can keep on is to share it from time to time.
Tandy: That’s sick.
Andre: That’s America, Tandy Bowen.

Freeform Quotes

Jace: You experimented on me?
Valentine: I made you stronger, faster; more lethal than any other Shadowhunter.
Jace: Why?
Valentine: To create the perfect weapon, the ideal marriage of good and evil: A Shadowhunter with pure demon blood.

Isabelle: Any word from the Clave?
Lydia: Not yet. We've been trying for the past four hours. Something's up.
Magnus: Hmmm. The Clave being unhelpful? Who's shocked?! Show of hands.