Jake: Rosa, we came up together. We went to the academy together; we've had the exact same career. All we ever wanted was to be detectives! And yes, we've always known there were problems, but we would solve them together from the inside. So when you quit, yeah, it made me feel like you thought I was wrong for staying.
Rosa: Jake, my choice has nothing to do with you. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. I gave up my career, my friends, my whole life -- but I did it because I couldn't ignore what I was a part of anymore. Couldn't ignore what the police are doing in my community to people who look like me.
Jake: I know. But not all of them. Not me.
Rosa: This isn't about you. And this case -- where a black woman was assaulted by the police -- has nothing to do with you either. So, if you're not here to help, if you're just here to prove a point, then, man, I don't think we should work together anymore. And I definitely don't think we're friends.

Amy: It was small talk! Captain Holt always says that true friends sit in silence; small talk is for --
Terry: -- strangers, then con men.
Amy: So I'm a stranger now! This is my big fear about having a child! Losing my spark with my boss.
Terry: Amy, he's your captain! You act like it's some romantic relationship.
Amy: You know what, Terry, you're right. It is like a romantic relationship.
Terry: That's what you got from what I said?

Holt: Do you know why I engaged in small talk with you earlier?
Amy: Because small talk is for strangers and con men, and that's what I am to you now -- a stranger.
Holt: No. I -- I did it because I am a con man. I was trying to con you into believing everything is normal with me when it is not. Kevin and I have separated.
Amy: Oh my god. Why?
Holt: It's been a tough year being a Black man. And a police captain. And a human. I've been pushed to the brink emotionally and physically. I went into survival mode, and it seems I have neglected my personal life.
Amy: Does anyone else know?
Holt: Not here. I have successfully hidden it for months. Not very well, I might add. I made small talk with Peralta on five separate occasions, and he never even batted an eye; he just blabbered on about someone named Wario.
Amy: Ugh, yeah, he does that.
Holt: But you... you noticed that something was off with me the very first day you returned. That just shows how well you know me. And while I'm not yet ready to talk about it, it's nice feeling like I'm not alone anymore. And that's thanks to you, Ramy.
Amy: Just so you know, I am not Ramy; we are Ramy.
Holt; Just be glad I said it.
Amy: Totally. Yes, I am. Thank you, sir.

Captain: But an officer did break one of his fingers.
Rosa: Probably from tackling her to the ground.
Jake: Yeah, or from pointing it so hard at everyone but himself.
Rosa: Who are you performing this for, Jake?
Jake: Both of you guys.

Jake: Question: What is the number one problem with the coronavirus?
Rosa: Mass death, economic collapse, the way that the disease has exposed the systemic injustice at the core of American life?

Amy: I thought I'd show up on the last day and surprise everybody.
Nia: That's so nice! What's the surprise?
Amy: Um, just me.
Nia: Oh. I thought it would be like, donuts or something.

When you think about it, a store like this is actually pretty incredible, you know? You help people do their homework, and find their styles, and feed their grandchildren. You know, there's... there's magic in that. I don't know, people -- people always talk about going out and finding something special, but maybe -- maybe we don't have to look that hard, you know? Maybe everything is special.


Amy: You know, when I first met you, I thought you were the most annoying person I'd ever met. With your moments of beauty, seize the day crap like you'd watched Dead Poet's Society too many times.
Jonah: Shows what you know; you can't watch Dead Poet's Society too many times.
Amy: I hated how cheesy you were. I hated how woke you were; I hated how often you used the word “artisan.” But most of all, I hated how you believed that life could be better than it was. And yet, here we are. And my life is so much better than it was. Because of you.

Attention shoppers, please bring your final purchases up to checkout, 'cause this store is about to close forever. On behalf of everyone here at Cloud 9, I'd just like to say, BUH-BYE! Sorry, that shouldn't be the last thing I say. Twenty years of announcements. I mean, I'm not a sentimental guy; that's not my thing. But it did just occur to me that this is... this is the end. I mean, don't get me wrong, it's a job. I mean, if jobs were fun, they wouldn't pay us to do it, but occasionally there were moments that weren't so bad. Memories are the only things I can remember right now. You know, most jobs suck ninety-nine percent of the time, so you really... you really gotta enjoy those moments that don't. Those bits of fun you have during downtime. Or an interesting conversation with a co-worker. Or something happens that you can laugh about later. Or you do something that you're actually proud of. If you're lucky, maybe you even get to be friends with a co-worker or two along the way. Not sure what else you could want at a job. At any rate, thank you for shopping with us. Cloud 9 is now closed.


Jonah: Look, you don't have to apologize to me for not wanting to marry me.
Amy: No, it wasn't even about that! I just, I think that, like, my brain shortcircuited. You know, suddenly I had all these options for the first time in my life, and I was like, “Yay! I get to decide what I want! But wait, like, how do I decide what I want?”
Jonah: Yeah, welcome to the world of privilege.
Amy: It's very hard on this side of things. Why didn't you warn me?

Glenn: You know Mateo, it's funny. You're undocumented, and I'm over sixty, and America doesn't want either of us to work anymore.
Mateo: Right, but I'm under constant fear of deportation, and you get discounts at movie theaters, so.
Glenn: Not new releases.
Mateo: Wow. Must be awful to live in terror of spoilers.

Dina: You're not thinking about getting back on that merry-go-round, are you? Is this like, uh, you break it you bought it situation?
Amy: Dina! It's not like that. No, it's just, once I got out to California, everything just felt... I don't know, I think I... I think I made a mistake not marrying Jonah.
Sandra: YA THINK? I can't.
Dina: She's been pretty upset too.

NBC Quotes

Now I know you're telling the truth because no one would ever lie about doing something that heartless.


So now Zoey can manipulate the laws of physics too? This is really incredible.
