Willow Pill: Serena ChaCha!
[All the queens laugh]
Willow Pill: Jorgeous, we know you’re skinny and you need to eat. But unfortunately, Orion’s ass is not on the food pyramid.

Little Miss Jorgeous. Ugh, the tinniest little waste … of time.

Lady Camden

Jasmine Kennedie, why do you look so old but you are so young? You are the definition of “white do crack.”


[In confessional] This apology Daya is giving Jorgeous is faker than my breastplate.

Jasmine Kennedie

Daya Betty: I am very proud of you, Jorgeous. That is the sexiest napkin ever I’ve seen out on the runway.
Angeria Paris VanMichaels: Bitch, get out!
[Willow Pill laughs. Shade rattle noise]

I, of course, have more of a fire under my ass now. So, watch the fuck out everyone!
[All the room cheers]

Lady Camden

Jasmine Kennedie: I don’t feel … Like, we clearly had a moment.
Kerri Colby: Yes.
Jasmine Kennedie: We had a moment.

I’m gonna go a little more kooky. I think I’m gonna do a big babydoll. Just a big baby, like Jasmine.
[Jasmine laughs]

Daya Betty

[In confessional] After the last sewing challenge, I was boo-hoo hurt that I did not win. So, I hoarded the most because I want to make sure I have enough boxes to have some type of material I want.

Jasmine Kennedie

[In confessional] Have y’all ever, like, went to a Christmas party at your step-parents? And you thought you were getting something great, like you were like “Oh my God, they’re gonna spoil me so much because like I’m new to the family.” And then you open the box and then it’s socks. And then it’s also deodorant. And the most expensive gift up in there is a sonic toothbrush, bitch, and you can’t even resell it because they scratched out the resell label because they want you to use it. That’s how it feels. It feels like Christmas gone wrong.

Kerri Colby

DeJa Skye: Daya, you were a little bit disappointed with being safe in Untucked.
Daya Betty: Oh, I wasn’t disappointed. Don’t twist my words, bitch.
Maddy Morphosis: Ohhhhh.

DeJa Skye: Well, I know how Angie is feeling. $5,000 richer!
[All the queens cheer]
Jasmine Kennedie: You’re the richest bitch in here!
Angeria Paris VanMichaels: It’s the most money I’d never had at one time. Bitch, I’m like, “Girlllll!”

VH1 Quotes

Michelle: I love a conflicting pattern. Tonight... it’s a full-out war.
[RuPaul laughs]
Michelle: There is the leg things with the crystal fringe and then we open the acid-wash shirt and there’s my giraffe, yes.
Monique: You said giraffe but I got brown cow.
Michelle: Girl, that’s a giraffe.
[RuPaul laughs]
Michelle: Cow’s aint spotted like that. That’s a giraffe.
Monique: I saw it and I was like, “Ah, brown cow! Stunning!”
[Everyone laughs]

Miss Vanjie... Miss Vanjie... Miss... Vanjie!

Vanessa Vanjie Mateo