Austin: Why didn’t you come to our house?
Emily: Because no one can see me anyway, Austin. I’m invisible.
Austin: OK, clearly, I can see you.
Emily: Well, you’re the first person who’s been able to see me all day.
Austin: Is this some kind of weird psychological reaction to getting published?
Emily: I’m nobody, Austin.
Austin: You’re somebody to me.
Emily: Did you read me poem?
Austin: Of course. I’m so proud of you.
Emily: You are?
Austin: Yeah, honestly, you’re the only thing in my life I’m proud of right now.
Emily: Austin, what’s wrong?
Austin: Nothing, believe me. You’re poetry, that’s real. You have something that’s real. If I had something like that… well, I’d be happy.

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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 8: "I’m Nobody! Who are you?"
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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

Ship: Vinny, I can’t do this anymore. I am an ambitious entrepreneurial businessman, and I need a wife who supports me.
Emily: Ship, I can hear you.
Ship: I thought you were that wife, but what I have learned is, you’re not, even though you’re super hot, and I love your pussy.
Emily: You’re talking about… He’s talking about her cats.
Ship: I’m just gonna have to be a man about this and call it off. I’m leaving you, Lavinia.
Lavinia: Ship, we can all hear you in there talking to yourself.

Mrs. Dickinson: I’ll just take the paper into the other room.
Edward: Give me my paper back please for god’s sake. ‘The May Wine’ by E. Dickinson. So this is what you were trying to keep from me. She’s gone and done it.
Emily: Does anyone want to talk to me about this or…
Edward: There’s no stopping her now.
Mrs. Dickinson: I’m so sorry, Edward. This is my fault. I should have kept closer watch on her.
Edward: You know what? It’s not too bad.
Emily: OK, you guys don’t need to act like I don’t exist. Hello?
Edward: She might make the family proud after all.
Emily: Oh my god, am I invisible?