Virginia: A small constabulary in the ass end of a giant hole is no match for the big guns elsewhere. One phone call to anyone heavier would have ended the whole thing before it got this far.
Sam: A call to who? You? I don’t know who you are or who you work for, and we both know you’re about as Canadian as sweet potato pie, and you’re not here saving this kid out of a sudden spasm of altruism.
Virginia: No one wants another war, Spade, in Algeria or anywhere else.
Sam: Oh, so you’re just snatching him in the name of world peace.

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Sam Spade
Monsieur Spade Season 1 Episode 6: "Call Me Sam"
Monsieur Spade
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Monsieur Spade Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Henri: I’m not what you think I am, Monsieur Spade.
Sam: You’re exactly what I think you are. You’re a sap who has been sucked into Anatol’s OAS bullshit.
Anatol: I’m not OAS. I’m XO Forces.
Sam: Oh, Jesus. How many fuckin’ dogmatic maniacs can you have in one country?

Sam: However good a shot you think you are, you could have killed Teresa, and trust me, I don’t think you could’ve lived with that.
Henri: You don’t know what I could live with.
Sam: No, what I meant, Henri, is that I would have fucking killed you.