Dr. Pelton: You're not saying this is cannibalism?
Till: No, we don't do that up here. We've all know the rumors about The Tail, but we ...
Layton: Oh, those aren't rumors. First couple of years, there were kill cults. One gang in particular, they would kill anyone, eat anyone. Had no choice. The rest of us, we ambushed their leader. Each of us ate a piece of his heart so that no one could say they were innocent. Anyway, your lunch was good?

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Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 2: "Prepare to Brace"
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Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes, Snowpiercer Quotes
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Snowpiercer Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

They can take our limbs, our children, our leaders. They keep trying to take our dignity. But any survivor will tell you they checked their dignity at death's door. The more they steal from us, the more human we become. Humanity will fill our bellies one day. When we eat the rich of Snowpiercer, one thousand and one cars long.


You'd think, with all we've lost, defeat would break us. But the only reason we're here is we refuse to die in the first place. We're as persistent as the cold, forever trapped beneath the ice. We keep our eyes on the floor, dig our nails in, and prepare to brace.
