I gotta get back to the motor pool. The problem is I'm not getting out of bed as long as you're still in it.


There's a town consensus about what kind of girl I am... they call me a danger whore.


I may be a whore, but I'm not stupid.


In my heart I am still a creature of light, but when darkness falls....


Every minute that you waste not fast-tracking me onto this having me on this fuck fanger police force is a minute wasted where I'm not out there fucking some fangers up.


Lafayette: Now let me get this hetero straight, so you's a vampire that can come out in the daytime.
Warlow: Yeah, in a nutshell.
Lafayette: There go the damn neighborhood.

Maggie: Can we back up because one of us is going to say something we can't walk back.
Lisa: I think that's going to be me. What do you think?

You didn't want him to pick you. You wanted him to pick you over me.


Maggie: I was wrong.
Lisa: Let's not rush to judgement

I can only report what I know. I'm not allowed to get involved with advocacy and neither are you.


How many people showed up for fluff and fold Wall Street?


There is a difference between reporting a story and advocating for a cop killer.
