Daniel: You kill nightly.
Armand: And sometimes you've watched that kill on the local news. You've never been easier to distract. You're at the height of willful ignorance. We exploit it. This is, was, Lestat's prophetic vision.

Daniel: You let it happen.
Armand: Yes.
Daniel: You led him there so he could destroy it.
Armand: His words had been my thoughts for half a century. If it had come from me, they wouldn't have believed it.

Daniel: The question was how do vampires hide from Google, not how did Lestat break his heart.
Armand: But because you're a good listener, you got answers to both.

Louis: He abandoned Nicky. He abandoned Armand. He abandoned the coven. Lestat is, was, and will always be for Lestat.
Daniel: Never say I love you to a raging narcissist.
Armand: And I locked away those words for another 150 years.

Louis: I was with Bruce for 30 years.
Armand: Bruce. How long are we going to play games, Louis?

Even now, I'm still the only one you chose.

Lestat [to Louis]

Louis: You want to come upstairs?
Armand: Are you inviting me in?
Louis: Depends. Are you gonna kill me?

Tom: How could I have trusted him? All those people handed me their money, thinking they were going to the choir festival.
Elizabeth: You couldn’t have known that Sweeney was a crook.

Maisy: Constable Grant, I want this man arrested for theft.
Nathan: I don’t think that’s necessary.
Elizabeth: We’re going to raise the money to pay you back.
Maisy: And if you don’t?
Nathan: Then you can press charges.
Elizabeth: Nathan, you’re not actually going put Tom in jail, are you?
Nathan: Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.

Bill: Don’t worry, we won’t tell anybody that you had Pike come through Hope Valley for us.
Rosemary: If we haven’t said it already, thank you for sticking your neck for us.
Nathan: Well, my neck has been in worse places.

Tell us who hired you, Mr. Pike. Maybe we can help.


Clayton: If I tell you, I’m a dead man.
Lucas: If you don’t, am I?