Elijah, I’ve spent the last 24 hours being so angry at Tristan, at your family, at you, at Jackson even, for always being so brave. But then I realize that I’m not angry, I’m not mad. I’m just guilty. I wanted to blame you, blame anyone. The truth is that my husband died because he loved me, and loving any of us is a death sentence, isn’t it?


Whatever happens, don’t let go. You’re my link to the living.

Davina [to Josh]

The thing is, this is kind of the whole reason you have friends, so you don’t have to do the terrible parts alone.


Hayley, this family comes with many hardships, but there is one benefit. You will always have a home here.


Let me help you, and I promise you will live a life others only dream of. Besides, if you’re going to learn, you might as well learn from the best

Klaus [to Cami]

Here’s the thing, Damon. Hell messes with you, but post-Hell is much worse.


I have no desire to kill Caroline. I mean, not since the last time I tried. I think we can all agree that was a huge misunderstanding.


I guess it’s safe to say I lost my soft side.


What happened to your Hero Hair campaign to protect Mystic Falls?


It’s a diaper, not a bomb. Though I could dismantle a bomb blindfolded if I needed to.


Neil Dannon: Look, Toby is not some loner creep, no matter how hard you try to paint him like one.
Sherlock [pulls out a box full of mutilated photos]: You were saying?

We really are living in a golden age for perverts.
