You're a Chicago boy, aren't you, Will?


Nat: Owen started to think you forgot about him.
Will: Pretty sure the only thing he thinks about is his next shot of dairy.

It amazes me how dumb a doctor can be. Everybody knows you like Natalie.

Maggie [to Will]

Thank you. That was exactly the kind of everything I needed. A little fun with non-monogamy.


Jo: I mean, Charlene, she might have her problems and everything, but I'm the one my kid's embarrassed of. She didn't even want me there today.
Scott: But one day, she'll remember that you were there and it will matter. Why are you second guessing your instincts, Jo?

Look, porn is great for some things, but it's not real. It's super intimidating and half the things they show, women don't like anyway.


We're not on a salvage mission. We're here looking for survivors and some answers... If we're lucky.


Folks, I do believe somebody got away.


Naomi: For a second, it felt like that thing was...
Holden: It was alive.

Mormon: Forgive me for saying so, but I don't get the impression you're a man who's accepted Jesus Christ into his heart.
Miller: Guess I'm just not that desperate.
Mormon: We all are, if we're being honest with ourselves.

Amos: Whoever was on this ship was headed to Eros from Phoebe Station.
Holden: Phoebe? Lopez said they found everyone on Phoebe dead. Some toxic spill or something. Maybe this is what he was talking about.

This is the ship. The one that killed the Cant. It has to be.
