Cory: And honestly, a trip to the ER seemed like as good an excuse as any to get away from the kids.
Christa: How many do you have?
Kelly. Three. Which is like thirty.
Cory: I love them, but they are serial killers, all of them.

It's just always been so easy for him -- medicine, uh, girls, everything. Tonight, when I came in and saw Heather Pinkney, you know what I did? Hid behind some old lady.


Mike: What do you think, Orson?
Angus: Hey, nobody calls me that here.
Mike: Really? No one's noticed you look like a young Orson Welles?

It didn't happen because boys can't get raped. First of all, boys don't do that to other boys and even if he could boys fight back.


No one was trying to help him, they were taking pictures.


Nothing happened at that party except people acting stupid!


I just want it to be over.


I put a mattress on my back, do you think they're gonna put me on TV?


If I were a girl...people loose their minds when something happens to a girl. They have rights groups supporting them, lesbians out hating men, but a guy...


I got my mom dragging me around to the cops, to doctors, she's telling them I got assaulted and they're all just like smirking and cutting on me.


I'm sorry I ever opened my mouth. I'm sorry I ever said anything about what happened to me.


Amy: Well, good night.
Unsub: [stares at her]
Amy: Okay. Take care.
Unsub: So. You like champagne.
Amy: What?
Unsub: Champagne. You...have expensive tastes.
Amy: We're done here. You need to go.
Unsub: [tasers her]

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