Chanel: Now if you'll excuse me, I have a date with my boyfriend Chad Radwell. Tonight's our night of a thousand compliments night.
Chanel #3: What's that mean?
Chanel: We sit across from each other fully clothed and he compliments me a thousand times.

I just figured that eventually someone would shoot the bastard!

Dean Munsch

McGee: Bishop have you not noticed how extra quiet Gibbs has been, lately?
Tony: See, he's on about this. I don't agree with you.
Bishop: Lately?
Tony: Thank you

McGee: Jeanne Benoit? Really? Wow.
Bishop: All I got out of Tony was "good friends" but I know there's more.
McGee: Oh, there's more, believe me. There's so much more I don't even know where to start.

Taft: Whoa whoa whoa. South Sudan? That's rugged country for anybody, much less a guy six months out of major surgery.
Gibbs: Funny, I don't recall asking.
Taft: Send me a postcard.

Abby: You forget about South Sudan, mister. You're not going anywhere.
Gibbs: Abby--
Abby: Don't Abby me. You collapsed in the squad room, Gibbs. What part of that is okay with you?
Gibbs: Were you there? I did not collapse.
Bishop: Yeah, you kind of did, Gibbs.
Gibbs: Aw swell. Where's DiNozzo? Where's McGee? Let's bring the whole gang in here.

McGee: So when are you going to go talk to her?
Tony: There's nothing to talk about. I'm sorry about what happened, but I was doing my job. That's it. Of course it bothered me that I lied to her. I was in love with her. But it was a long time ago and her husband is missing and there's nothing to talk about.
McGee: So when are you going to go talk to her?

Tony (flashback): I'm sorry you got caught in the middle of all this.
Benoit: Was any of it real?
Tony: No.
Benoit: I wish I'd never met you.

Palmer: I'd be happy to research African tribal traditions for you, Agent Bishop.
Bishop: That'd be great, Jimmy. Thanks. But for me?
Ducky: Eleanor has it not occurred to you that you are now running point?

Gibbs: The only therapy I need is my job.
Taft: Be sure to put that on your tombstone.

Gibbs: I'll talk. I don't need my head examined.
Taft: Oh, no. Perish the thought. In which case, that

Now, why don't you all strap on some oak bags and go poop huge green turds in the street like the sad old mares you are?
