Life's full of hard choices. This wasn't one of them.


Ten from her is better than three from us.


Every time you talk, every time you smile, I can see the little wheels spinning in your head. Every gesture, every laugh, every move that you make is like a calculation. It's a performance.


Cary: How are things in the bar attorney trenches?
Alicia: Same as there only without the fees, resources or muffins.

There is a mutiny brewing below deck and we are going to start losing good, young associates because of him.


Mrs Barcetto: You'd never ask a male artist to explain himself like this.
Luca: I would if he'd taken nude pictures of his kids.

Freedom. The best thing to happen to anyone.


I think you try to move me out and I'll cut your balls off.


Did he just issue the easiest ultimatum in history?

David Lee

Peter: You're being used.
Alicia: I know. Who isn't?

Hey sweetheart, maybe if you made a couple friends, they'd call you too.


Not every well is a gusher. Sometimes you drill a dry hole. But that's not on me, that's reality. When you met me, you told me you wanted to learn the oil business. Well guess what, son? You just learned.
