Carole: Rule 27 of the travel code: Do not leave your luggage or your men unattended.

In my humble opinion, nobody puts on a mask and commits a murder like that just once. The real question is, who's next?


Just back down Ramona Singer or I'm going to flush you down the toilet.


Suspect: I'm not saying a word without a lawyer.
Jane: Good. All you have to do is listen.

Hanna: Spencer say something. Why are we like radioactive?
Spencer: Bitch chipped us.

Sara, you're safe in this house.


Emily: Sara, what are you doing? What happened?
Sara: I will pay for the bike.

Hanna: I'm not the one who just shows up at someone's door without a reason.
Caleb: I have a reason.

Maybe you could just write that down?


Which one are you supposed to be? Starsky or Hutch?


You can know someone without knowing everything about them.


How many times have we seen good people do bad things?
