There's a snake on the mother flying plane!

Rick Castle

I don’t know who he is but I know what he is, a giant ass.


Ryan: Why? Why did today have to happen?
Joe: Because you are my real legacy Ryan, and I needed you to know it. And now that you've admitted we are brothers, I can die knowing that I will live on through you.

I get it. I just think you gave up the wrong thing.


You know that feeling when a great idea comes to you? [ding, ding] OK, that was just a happy coincidence.


Jane, I assume this parent trap was your doing. I love that movie, but this is not going to work.


Elijah, I'm calling to say goodbye. Hope and I, we can't be part of your family anymore. All Hope's life her family has tried to destroy her. That can't be my little girl's story. Family is supposed to love you, even if she is free of Dahlia's firstborn curse, Hope would still be Klaus' daughter. She'd inherit a thousand years of enemies, all his anger and rage. I don't want Hope to be a Mikaelson. All the pain that comes with that name, she doesn't deserve that. Elijah...I...goodbye.


I never thought much about the immortality part of being a vampire. Suddenly forever feels like a really long time.


Ryan: I was trying to stop you.
Joe: And you trying to stop me, you became me.
Ryan: No, I'm not like you Joe. I don't have a need to kill.
Joe: I think your body count might say otherwise.

I don't need time, Jack. I've spent my whole life searching for family and I found you.


Norman: Where have all the workers gone?
Norma: I don't know. You're the manager, just go get some fencing. And for the love of God, just don't fall in.

I do whatever it takes to give us what we never had as kids, control.
