Mr. Gold: Our collective frustrations are because of his will not our missteps.
Cruella de Vil: I suppose that’s better than blaming bad judgement and gin.

My power extends far beyond Raman noodles.

Mr. Gold

(to Belle) As big a bastard as he was, he did love you.


Love is a weapon as dangerous and persuasive as magic.


I don't bow down to fish.


Hardest thing I've ever had to do; be a parent.

Lemond Bishop

I'm notorious. The white OJ.

Colin Sweeney

Alicia: You are pretty fresh aren’t you.
Redmayne: It’s my best feature. I've got the testicles of a twenty year old.
Alicia: Where? In your briefcase?

Elizabeth: You're giving me the 'you're an idiot' look.
Mike B: Because you're an idiot.

Jay, your passion has crossed over into defeatism and it's annoying.


Nothing says sweet dreams like being eviscerated by the President


Elizabeth: A little cold terror over job security never hurt anyone.
Russell: You should have that embroidered on a pillow.