McGee: You know something I don't? Working tonight and tomorrow night?
Tony: No, Tim. It's just that Zoe's parents are in town and they want to have dinner. I'm not ready for that.
Abby: So you deceived her.
Tony: I was put on the spot. I was not prepared.
McGee: Whoa. Hey. What are you afraid of?
Tony: I don't know.
Abby: They're probably really nice.
Tony: I'm sure they are. I've just never had dinner with the parents of a woman I'm seriously involved with.
McGee: That's not true. What about Jon Benois?
Tony: No, technically that wasn't me because I was undercover as Tony DiNardo, professor of film studies. I wasn't myself back then. Meeting the parents for dinner could trigger a whole chain of events.
Abby: It's just dinner, Tony.
Tony: You have dinner yet with Ranger Burt's parents? I didn't think so. Then put down the gavel, take off the robe and stop judging, both of you.
Abby: Okay.

Ann: Once again, they are my biological children.
April: And once again, I don't believe you.

I love you, you're one of my best friends, but you have betrayed me and everything you stand for! You've changed.


Gibbs: You need something Bishop.
Bishop: Nope. I'm good.
Gibbs: Wasn't a question.
Bishop: Deep undercover work, like Tony did years ago. Hypothetically, would you ever put me in that position?
Gibbs: That's tough to answer.
Bishop: I'm only saying....I know the big picture. Eventually, everyone's time comes. And I understand and accept that.
Gibbs: Forget the big picture. Look at everything close up.
Bishop: Do you think that working undercover for so long affected your marriage?
Gibbs: Go home to Jake, Bishop.

The Gang: Surprise!
Leslie: Oh wow!
Ben: That's what you wanted right? Everyone in the same room, at the same time?
Leslie: I can't believe you. We're all together in the same room. This room. I don't think I could be any happier!
Ben: Wanna bet?
Ann: Hi!
Leslie: Oh Ann's here! Ann's here!

If in fact I can trust my emotions, I am in love with you. Madly. I want to be with you for the rest of our lives, just not as man and wife.


Ron: We will get along just fine, though hopefully not too fine, because I am not looking for any new friends. End speech.
Leslie: Well said.

Abby: I'm just sitting here with the papers and, um, this is gonna sound weird...
Jake: You're getting turned on? Legalese makes your horny? Look man, call your boy toy. I can't help you.
Abby: No. I just thought it might be easier if you and I signed these together. Preferably with some alcohol in hand. Mark the moment.
Jake: You mean like a we got in this together, let's get out of it together kind of thing?

And as far as your qualifications, you're Ron Swanson!


I'll take that steak to go. Please and thank you.


do you even remember going out on a date with someone you liked?


she had changed and not just the way she looked.
