Anne: I know you mock us, but this fellowship has thrived for nearly four hundred years. Michael knows what he's doing, I'm the one who's failed.
Peter: You gave your life to him, look what he's done to you.
Anne: If this is my final journey, I have no one to blame but myself.
Peter: Everyone you have ever known is in grave danger; not to mention my team. Someone needs to talk to Michael, make him see reason.
Anne: Why would he listen to me?
Peter: Because you're the sensible one.

Alan: Sarah, you okay?
Sarah: Yeah what did you give him?
Alan: Nothing I didn't have a chance to inject him. Rapid fungal overgrowth, must be the final stage of the disease.
Sarah: And only thirty six hours after the memorial. It kills faster than we thought.

I came to this island for a reason and I believe it's buried in this abbey.


Julia: With that technology Ilaria could control the spread of the mortal population.
Ms. Durant: Without resorting to genocide; yes. It would solve their human problem once and for all.
Julia: Where do I find this Michael?
Ms. Durant: On an island, on the far end of the new world.
Julia: Then that's where I need to go.

I understand. Okay? Look, I'm the last thing you should be worrying about right now. And Lemon Breeland, I am all in. I'm yours, and I will wait. I promise.


I realize you don't like me. Can't say that I would feel any different if I was in your boat. But I love your father, and a part of making him happy is loving his daughters. So I am gonna love you, Magnolia. Despite how very difficult you make it.


Do you have any idea what it was like to grow up without a mother? Sometimes I would pretend that you were dead so I didn't have to live with the fact that you chose to leave us.


I mean, I realize us dating each other's exes is stranger than a three-legged dog in a horse race, but that's BlueBell, right?


Zoe: What is our son gonna think? That he can shirk all his grown up responsibilities by batting his lashes and getting some woman to do it for him?
Wade: Well it is the Kinsella way.

Izzie, I didn't practice enough and I didn't get in. I mean, no pressure, but it ruined my life.


Natalia: Why do you have my egg timer? You don't know how to make eggs.
Cristela: Yeah I do. You know it's not really the challenge you make it out to be.

Trent: There's an opening in the mail room.
Josh: Oh wow, what happened, sir?
Trent: I fired somebody for being too nosey. Anymore questions?