I just fell backwards into your world, a couple years went by, and now here I am.


She'll take it! Lets talk perks. Does she get the summer off like school?!


John McCain: Has anyone ever told you your tenacity can be a bit intimidating.
Leslie: Yes, every day of my life since the 4th grade.

Martin Stein: And I thought people your age didn't read actual books anymore.
Barry: Oh, I'm the only one.

Creativity is for people with glasses who like to lie.


Tell him it's Count Chocula. Wait, no, sorry it's Andy Dwyer


[to Barry] You change one more time I'm gonna shoot you.


Itineraries aren't the right place to mess around!


Franklin choked with envy when he saw it.


Calvin: Where's the fire department? The S.W.A.T. team? Why is it just you two crawling around down here?
Abbie: Because we don't know enough about the situation yet.
Calvin: Then tell me what you do know.

Our third president made good use of his free time.


I can't help but feel like we're fighting evil without an endgame. It was almost easier when we knew who the enemy was.
