Zoe: I didn't even order a curling iron. I wasn't expecting one at all, but then one just shows up in the mail out of the blue. Bam!
Rose: And you don't like curling irons?
Zoe: I love curling irons. I always figured that one day when my life was settled I would have curly hair. Just not now.
Rose: Well can't you just return the curling iron?
Zoe: Yes I could return the curling iron. It would be a totally valid choice, and I support all people who decide to return their curling irons, but I just kind of want to keep this one because it's the right manufacturer, and I love the manufacturer. A curling iron like this might be hard to come by later. I don't want to regret... Besides I have room for it in my bathroom.
Rose: I see. So you're going to keep the curling iron?
Zoe: Yes. I feel a little overwhelmed, you know, about the idea of having curly hair for the next 18 years and the rest of my life, that's all.

[to Kurt] You know, these Mounds bars are delicious, but you have to eat them. If you just hold them in your hand hoping that you might get to eat them one day, they're going to melt and you'll look like somebody just pooped in your hand. Don't let waiting for things to maybe work out with Blaine turn you into the guy who looks like somebody just pooped in their hand.


Blaine: Where's the bed?
Brittany: I removed it because when I imagined you two having sex I imagined a U-haul mounting a moped.

You can't just have a baby in a workplace, Annabeth, because they are needy, and they are noisy, and they are so much work. Okay, you can't just drop a bomb on someone like this because a baby changes everything. Everything!


[to Spencer] I'm actually kind of jealous of all the snooping around you've been able to do without detection. It's like you're Batman, only gay.


Peter: When did the passengers start getting sick?
Layla: About 2, no 3 days ago. Right after we got back from the island.
Peter: What island?

So, I figure that this is as good a place as any to ask you this question, mainly because it's going to really upset all the single guys and gals in here, but I want to mash up with you forever, Britt. I mean, some people love someone because they make them a better person and that's not why I love you because you've always just wanted me to be myself. You're my favorite person in the whole world and we're a big deal, you know? Like no matter how many times we've tried to put our thing down and walk away from it we can't because I don't want to live my life without my one true love. I normally I use a lot of words when I'm saying something negative so since this is the most positive thing I'm ever going to do, I'm gonna keep it simple. Brittany S. Pierce, will you marry me?


Arrived at St. Germain island from the South East. No apparent flares or signal fires. The contact is not at the rendezvous site. All signs point to the pandemic originating on this island. There are no other options, I must find a cure.


[to Becky] Oh, honey. All healthy relationships are built on lies! You know what? I'm pretty sure that's why I ended up divorcing myself.


Jones: Mr. Cole did you find him?
Cole: Yeah I found him.
Jones: Then you failed your mission. You were to eliminate him before he could release the plague.
Cole: Leland's dead. I killed him just like you wanted me to. You were wrong killing him didn't change anything. There were others. There were always others.
Jones: Others? Others who? Mr. Cole... who?
Cole: The Army of the 12 Monkeys.

Brittany: As a math genius, I am one of the few people who understand the concept of infinity and I will love you until infinity, Santana Lopez.
Santana: And I will love you until infinity too, Britt.

[to Santana] Okay, I may be a genius, but how can I argue with the logic of your giant, generous heart?
