An exorcism for an exorcist. Let's do it.


Manny: Have you lost all hope in salvation John? You invited a demon into your body.
John: It worked, it healed me.
Manny: Of course it worked. The first of the fallen gives temporary power to those who believe his lies. But they become his possessions.
John: Yeah well I didn't see God coming down that tunnel to help me or you.
Manny: You didn't even ask John.

This demon will try to use our weaknesses against us. If it emerges, don't listen to it.

Anne Marie

Anne Marie: Are you sure you can do this?
John: If there's anything I've learned in the last 48 hour it's that this demon needs me alive.
Anne Marie: And if you're wrong?
John: Well then I'll go out riding the world's greatest high; my first love at my side. There are worse ways to meet your maker eh?

Daniela: Did you know it was Izzie who was bullying Brittany?
Cristela: I did not know that.

John: I'm not ready to die.
Manny: Are you afraid of what's waiting for you?
John: No, I earned what I've got coming to me. I'm just... I have more work to do.
Manny: Then that makes this a crucible. And for the sake of the mortal realm, I hope you find what you need.

John: Anne Marie, she made it out alright then?
Chas: She seemed fine, question is what happened to you?
John: She's quick on her feet our girl. She used the copper's gun to leave me behind and stall a hungry Invunche.
Chas: Annie shot you?
John: A bloody nun, it's a new low. Can't say I didn't deserve it though.

Jordan is playing you like a walleyed pike and the rest of us can just sit back and watch while she reels you in.


From that do-gooder scheme that's the brain child of, and I'm using the word brain advisedly, of those two airheads who could barely run a hair dryer together.


Chad: You mind telling me what that little show down at the hospital was today?
Kate: What show?
Chad: The one where you got the media to appoint your little hillbilly boyfriend as the patron saint of Salem.

If you don't think there's room enough for the two of us in this town, you rest assured, I will make room.


Well, actually yeah. I went home and I was like, Hey Mom, guess what? I totally just bagged Eve, who happens to be your worst enemy. High five.