Teacher: Thank you for coming Mr. and Mrs. Griffin. Chris seems to be struggling in his classes and often when kids have trouble in school it's because something is going on at home
Peter: I haven't been attracted to Lois for a year and a half

Did I miss anything on the way here? Like Texas seceding?


Elizabeth: This is why the intelligence community shouldn't keep secrets from me.
Henry: I agree. Not that we're doing a very good job of it.

Elizabeth: You lied to me.
Henry: Under penalty of law and for your own safety, you know that.

He is the light of my life. He is the future. He will leave a greater mark than I have. So for our children, we make the necessary sacrifices without complaint or regret.


What 20-year-old girl isn't judgmental about her mother?


Margaret: I don't hate you, Frederic.
Fred: I know, Ma.

It doesn't matter where Margaret is, the damage has been done.


Listen buddy, I know you're feeling bad, but your parents - they love you. Everything is going to be ok.


Jacob: I miss my parents.
Margaret: I know.
Jacob: Maybe i'll see them again. After they die.
Margaret: Maybe.

My whole life i wanted to be one thing - a lawyer and i had it. i had it. I had it figured it out. Get to the top take the cases want, help the people you want. Now, i can't, I can't figure anything out


Margaux: You played a game with the police, with Victoria, with who knows how many others, but believe me when I tell you I do not play. I know you murdered Daniel.
Emily: I did not, and I am just as devastated--
Margaux: Stop talking, and hear me! I am going to make it my life's journey to see you pay for what you've done, and that journey begins now. We bury Daniel on Friday. You will not be there.